Jacqueline Kok

curator | writer | thinker | nomad



Curatorial Work

The Power Plant, Toronto, Canada

Brenda Draney: Drink from the River

in parallel (co-curator)

every answer is correct, off-site at Ernst + Young Building

Paulo Nazareth: STROKE (assistant curator)

BREATHLESS (assistant curator)

Shona Illingworth: Occluded Skies, off-site at Taigh Chearsabhagh

Shona Illingworth: Topologies of Air (assistant curator)

Sasha Huber: YOU NAME IT (assistant curator)

Manuel Mathieu: World Under Discovered Skies (assistant curator)

Miriam Cahn: ME AS HAPPENING (assistant curator)

MO.CO., Montpellier, France

Mecarõ. Amazonia in the Petitgas collection (co-curator)

Caroline Achaintre: Permanent Wave (assistant curator)

Ambera Wellmann, UnTurning (assistant curator)

100 Artists in the City (co-curator)

La Panacée, Montpellier, France

Crash Test (curatorial assistant)

Museum of Contemporary Art Taipei, Taipei, Taiwan

2nd PULIMA Art Award (curatorial assistant)

Curatorial Work

Triptych Arts, curatorial collective (co-founder)

Art and Other Stories podcast

Between the snakes group exhibition at Alabama Contemporary Art Center

Her Domain group exhibition at The Gallery Space

Spaces of Exchange online public program, partnered with International Chinese Fine Arts Council

Pollinate.co (curatorial advisor & creative director)

Workman Arts (inaugural guest curator)

To Speak Without Speaking



Review of Denyse Thomasos: Just Beyond exhibition at the Art Gallery of Ontario

Asian Diasporic Visual Cultures and the Americas

Curatorial essay

Brenda Draney: Drink From the River exhibition catalogue

Interview with Paulo Nazareth

Paulo Nazareth: STROKE exhibition catalogue

Democracy has fallen, review of Howie Tsui: Retainers of Anarchy

Peripheral Review

Tracing Resistance, critical essay

ONCURATING Issue: Extreme

Interview with Sol Calero

Mecarõ. Amazonia in the Petitgas collection exhibition catalogue


For all inquiries and archival material, please write to:

